Land Banking

We help individuals expand their options from traditional real estate & securities to landbanking. With Velur, Landbanking is the practice of acquiring well-researched, pre-developed land in some of the most exciting & high-growth areas of Southern California.

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The right piece of land is the key to the future of solar and wind power.

A model house in a grassy patch

California To Attain 100% Renewable Energy by 2045

June 19, 2021

Learn about how the future of California energy production and contact us to discuss how you can maximize your investments with strategic land banking.

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File cabinet full of papers

International Energy Agency Report Indicates Renewable Energy Jump of 45% may be “New Normal”

June 18, 2021

The demand for renewable energy has never been higher, and the sector is growing fast. The latest report from the IEA reveals the highest year-over-year growth in capacity since 1999, with no end in sight.

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